+36 20 501 8477 info@szilagyinorifizio.hu


A physiotherapist’s main tools are their brain, their eyes, hands and their heart, all of which combined with precise knowledge of certain methods and their patients’ cooperation, can result in real miracles.

McKenzie Therapy
A special method, developed by Robin McKenzie (a New Zealander physiotherapist) back in the 1960’s. The method is suitable for diagnosing and treating the spine and other extremities. Designed to define the localization of the degeneration and to treat it specifically.

Efficient treatment of various spine problems, like discus hernia and discus protrusion.

My personal experience is that this therapy should be completed with directed muscle-strengthening exercises in order to be more efficient and reach the most positive and long-lasting result that we can achieve.

Kinesio tape
Fundamental principles of kinesio tape method was developed by Kinesio Kase, a Japanese chiropractor in the 1970’s.

It is a self-adhesive elastic tape which can be used in rehabilitation, in fitness and in sports as well. Depending on the application technique it can be used for supporting joints, relaxing certain muscles or groups of muscles. Its effect is:

reducing the sensation of pain, promoting circulation, provides support or stability without restricting the range of motion, assisting in the reduction of any swelling or bruising just to name a few examples.

Core training
This is a method for strengthening the so-called core muscles (profound muscles around the spine) – these are responsible for the stability of the spine, especially for the lumbar spine. These muscles provide support for the spine from each side. As they are used during everyday movements and activities, it is highly important to keep them fit and strong in order to avoid injuries of the spine. It is also recommended for those who pursue regular sport activities for the same reasons and for improving their strength and stamina. (their performance)
Treatment for Segmental Instability
Segmental instability means an abnormal amount of motion, hypermobility across two vertebral body sections, between two adjacent vertebrae. It happens very often when degenerative process improves, consequently decreased stabilizing capability of the ligaments and overloading of the segment develops. When segmental instability is observed, several symptoms may appear including discomfort, pain, stiffness, or spasm in the lower back, or even symptoms of radiculopathy like tingling, numbness, radiating pain or weakness in the leg. Strengthening of core muscles, superficial and deep muscles of the abdomen can efficiently decrease or even vanish these symptoms. Completing core stability training with other treatments like manual therapy can lead us to a painless and full life in several cases.
Manual Therapy
Structures of the joints may change which may result in developing of several symptoms in different parts of your body, including discomfort or pain. Manual therapy refers to a hands-on treatment of these complex structures (bones, cartilages, ligaments, connective tissues) to improve mobility, increase range of motion, and reduce pain and tension. The method includes a thorough examination of the joints, muscles, and connective tissues as well as the treatment of those.
Schroth Method
A method developed by Katharina Schroth in the early 1900’s.

A specialised non-surgical treatment for scoliosis. The essence of this method is to treat 3dimensional spine deformity in a 3dimensional way, which involves pelvic corrections and lengthening the spine. An essential part of this method is ’corrective breathing’. When the exercises are performed consistently and precisely they improve posture, mobility and balance and facilitate more efficient movement patterns.

TRX (Total Resistance Exercise)
It refers to a special form or suspension training during which you use your body weight and gravity to improve balance, core stability, strength and flexibility at the same time. It is used not only in sports but in rehabilitation as well.

It is highly important to acquire proper exercise technique while using trx or other methods in order to avoid unwanted injuries of the body and achieve the optimal performance and so the optimal results.

Fascia Release Therapy
Fascia is a fibrosus connective tissue, that surrounds muscles and other internal structures and creates a complete network around them. Normally this tissue is flexible which follows the changes of your body resulted by the given reactions to various external or internal stimuli. When it becomes inflexible due to certain changes (for example conditions after sport injuries, operations) it might cause pain and restrictions in motion or further symptoms. In these cases, you should think of fascia release as a potential solution to eliminate pain and improve range of motion.
Neural mobilisation or Neurodynamics
Peripheral nerves create a complex network across your body which normally provides its smooth functioning. During certain movements nerves have to adopt to changes and should be „longer”, but as they are not flexible enough, they can assure the adaption by sliding among other tissues. When capability of this sliding is blocked for some reason, it may lead to several symptoms like pain, tingling and reduced range of movement. Neural mobilisation is a movement-based intervention aimed at restoring normal functioning.
Flossing is a more and more frequently used device and therapeutic method in prevention and rehabilitation of sport injuries. Recovery of affected tissues can be accelerated, and further injuries can be prevented by using of this technique.


tel: 06 20 501 84 77

e-mail: info@szilagyinorifizio.hu

address: 1139 Budapest Frangepán st. 24.

1139 Budapest Frangepán u. 24.

1139 Budapest Frangepán u. 24.